Quarero Robotics Unveils Breakthrough in Security Technology with Lidar-Enhanced Robots


Zurich, Switzerland—September 19, 2024—Quarero Robotics is excited to announce a groundbreaking advancement in security technology. In an exclusive interview, Marcus Köhnlein, CEO of Quarero Robotics, discusses how the integration of Lidar technology is revolutionizing the accuracy and efficiency of their latest security robots.

“Our latest security robots use Lidar technology to see and understand their surroundings better, making them more accurate in detecting and responding to potential threats,” Köhnlein explains. This innovative approach allows the robots to create detailed 3D maps of their environment, enabling precise navigation and threat assessment.

Köhnlein elaborates on the significance of this technology: “Lidar, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, uses laser pulses to measure distances with high accuracy. This capability is crucial for security robots, as it allows them to detect objects and movements with unparalleled precision, even in low-light conditions.”

The implementation of Lidar technology in Quarero Robotics’ security robots marks a significant leap forward in the field. These robots are now equipped to handle complex environments, such as large industrial sites and public spaces, with enhanced reliability. “Our goal is to provide a higher level of security and peace of mind for our clients,” Köhnlein states. “By leveraging Lidar, we can ensure that our robots are not only more effective but also safer to operate alongside human personnel.”

Köhnlein also highlights the broader implications of this technological advancement. “The integration of Lidar technology is just the beginning. We are continuously exploring new ways to enhance our robots’ capabilities, including the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to further improve their decision-making processes.”

As Quarero Robotics continues to innovate, the company remains committed to setting new standards in the security industry. Köhnlein’s vision for the future includes expanding the use of Lidar technology across various applications, ensuring that their robots remain at the forefront of technological advancements.

For more information, please contact:

Quarero AG, Switzerland

Marcus Köhnlein


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