Building Bridges of Prosperity and Peace: The Vision of the Abrahamic Business Circle


Dubai, United Arab Emirates, July 15, 2023 /, The need for communication and cooperation is more important than ever in our divided and conflict-ridden society. The Abrahamic Business Circle enters this difficult environment with a clear goal in mind: to promote investment, commerce, and business through a practice we are pleased to call economic diplomacy. The Abrahamic Business Circle is an apolitical, nonreligious organization whose only goal is to unite people and promote economic prosperity as a means of promoting a better future.

A Global Initiative for Economic Diplomacy

Founded by Dr. Raphael Nagel and Dr. Tillmann Lauk, the Abrahamic Business Circle transcends geographical boundaries, boasting a vibrant presence in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. The organization’s members come from diverse nations and backgrounds, united by a shared commitment to fostering economic prosperity for all. “We believe that economic prosperity is a cornerstone for achieving peace,” says Dr. Raphael Nagel, Founder and Chairman of the Board. “Our goal is to bridge political, religious, and ideological divides through the power of economic collaboration.”

A Vision More Relevant Than Ever

The foresight in founding the Abrahamic Business Circle four years ago has proven to be profoundly relevant today. As global tensions rise and divisions deepen, the need for dialogue among different peoples and nations is essential. “In these exciting times, dialogue and cooperation are crucial,” emphasizes Dr. Tillmann Lauk, Co-Founder and Member of the Board. The Abrahamic Business Circle’s mission resonates more strongly than ever, providing a platform for meaningful conversations and collaborations that pave the way for peace and prosperity.

Diverse Membership and Global Reach

The Abrahamic Business Circle’s membership is as diverse as it is expansive. From business leaders and entrepreneurs to policymakers and investors, members hail from every corner of the globe, representing a wide array of industries and sectors. This diversity is a testament to the organization’s inclusive approach and its commitment to creating opportunities for all. Dr. Raphael Nagel highlights, “Our members bring unique perspectives and expertise, enriching our collective efforts to foster economic growth and stability.”

Economic Prosperity as a Path to Peace

The Abrahamic Business Circle firmly believes that economic prosperity is a fundamental driver of peace. By promoting trade and investment, the organization aims to create a ripple effect that extends beyond economic benefits to foster social and political stability. “Economic diplomacy is our tool to bridge divides and build a more harmonious world,” says Dr. Tillmann Lauk. The organization’s initiatives are designed to create lasting partnerships that benefit communities and nations alike.

Gratitude and Dedication

The achievements of the Abrahamic Business Circle are a testament to the unwavering dedication of its members, sponsors, and guests. “We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who support our mission,” says Dr. Raphael Nagel. “Together, we are creating a future where peace and prosperity thrive for everyone.” The organization’s continued success is a collective effort, driven by a shared vision of a better, more inclusive world.

The Abrahamic Business Circle stands as a beacon of hope and collaboration in a world often overshadowed by division. Through the visionary leadership of Dr. Raphael Nagel and Dr. Tillmann Lauk, the organization is charting a path toward a future where economic prosperity paves the way for lasting peace. Their commitment to economic diplomacy serves as a powerful reminder that, through dialogue and cooperation, we can build bridges of prosperity and peace for all.

The Abrahamic Business Circle
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