Investing in the Future: An Interview with Dr. Raphael Nagel, Partner at Tactical Management


Hong Kong, SAR, July 15, 2024 / —  Tactical Management,

Interviewer: Dr. Raphael Nagel, as a Partner at Tactical Management, a leading venture builder, you have a unique perspective on investing in new technologies. Why is this field so exciting and challenging at the same time?

Dr. Raphael Nagel: Thank you for having me. Investing in new technologies is both exhilarating and demanding for several reasons. At Tactical Management, we are constantly at the forefront of innovation, particularly in fields like robotics. The excitement stems from the potential to revolutionize industries, improve efficiencies, and create solutions that were previously unimaginable. However, these investments also come with significant challenges, such as assessing the viability of emerging technologies, predicting market adoption, and managing the inherent risks associated with high-tech ventures.

Interviewer: Robotics is a field that you’ve shown a lot of interest in. Can you tell us why Tactical Management is particularly focused on robotics?

Dr. Raphael Nagel: Robotics is one of the most transformative fields of our time. At Tactical Management, we see robotics as a cornerstone of future industrial and social advancements. The ability to automate tasks, enhance precision, and even perform complex surgeries can lead to unprecedented levels of efficiency and quality of life improvements. However, the robotics industry is also fraught with technical and regulatory challenges, which makes it a thrilling yet complex area to invest in.

Interviewer: What are some of the specific challenges you face when investing in robotics?

Dr. Raphael Nagel: One of the main challenges in investing in robotics is the rapid pace of technological change. What is cutting-edge today can become obsolete tomorrow. At Tactical Management, we have to stay ahead of the curve, constantly researching and adapting to new developments. Additionally, the initial costs of developing robotic technology can be substantial, and the pathway to profitability is often longer compared to other industries. This requires patience, strategic planning, and a deep understanding of the technology.

Interviewer: How does Tactical Management navigate these challenges to ensure successful investments?

Dr. Raphael Nagel: Our approach at Tactical Management involves rigorous due diligence and leveraging our extensive network of industry experts. We collaborate closely with innovators, engineers, and researchers to understand the full potential and limitations of the technologies we invest in. Moreover, we emphasize a hands-on approach, where we don’t just provide capital but also strategic guidance and operational support to the startups we partner with. This active involvement helps mitigate risks and accelerates the development process.

Interviewer: Can you share an example of a successful investment in robotics by Tactical Management?

Dr. Raphael Nagel: Certainly. One of our most notable successes is our investment in a company specializing in robotic-assisted surgery. This technology has the potential to greatly reduce recovery times and improve surgical outcomes. Our team at Tactical Management worked closely with the founders, providing not just financial backing but also strategic advice on market entry and regulatory compliance. The company has since achieved significant milestones, including FDA approval and successful clinical trials, positioning it as a leader in its field.

Interviewer What advice would you give to other investors considering entering the robotics sector?

Dr. Raphael Nagel: My advice would be to approach the robotics sector with both enthusiasm and caution. The potential for innovation and growth is immense, but so are the risks. It’s crucial to have a deep understanding of the technology and its applications. Partner with experts, conduct thorough due diligence, and be prepared for a longer investment horizon. At Tactical Management, we’ve found that combining a strategic vision with operational involvement is key to navigating the complexities of this exciting field.

Interviewer: Looking forward, what do you see as the future of robotics and Tactical Management’s role in it?

Dr. Raphael Nagel: The future of robotics is incredibly promising. We are likely to see advancements that will revolutionize healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, and even everyday life. At Tactical Management, we are committed to being at the forefront of this revolution. Our goal is to identify and support the most promising technologies and entrepreneurs, helping to bring groundbreaking innovations to market. By doing so, we aim to contribute to a future where robotics enhance productivity, improve quality of life, and open up new possibilities for humanity.

Interviewer: Dr. Raphael Nagel, thank you for sharing your insights. It’s clear that Tactical Management is making significant strides in the field of robotics and beyond.

Dr. Raphael Nagel: Thank you. It’s an exciting journey, and I’m grateful to be part of a team that is dedicated to driving innovation and creating a positive impact through our investments.

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Tactical Management