Water 4 Mercy and CultivAid Celebrate the Launch of AITeC at Mount Carmel Convent in Nairobi, Marking a New Chapter in Sustainable Agriculture


Nairobi, Kenya – August 20, 2024 – Water 4 Mercy, in partnership with CultivAid, proudly announces the official opening of the Agricultural Innovation and Technology Center (AITeC) at Mount Carmel Convent in Nairobi. The launch event, held on August 7, 2024, marked a significant milestone in the quest to provide sustainable food sources and empower communities across Africa.

The ceremony was honored by the presence of Archbishop Philip Anyolo, whose involvement highlighted the initiative’s significance within the Catholic and Christian communities globally. Archbishop Anyolo’s blessing of the AITeC farm, conducted with a branch dipped in holy water while attendees recited the Hail Mary, symbolized the spiritual foundation of this project. This poignant moment was captured in a video titled “Archbishop Anyolo in Nairobi – Planting Seeds of Hope.”

In her address, Nermine Rubin, Founder of Water 4 Mercy, expressed deep gratitude to the Sisters of Mount Carmel for their steadfast faith and prayers, which she described as the cornerstone of the project. “To all the Sisters of Mount Carmel, I extend my deepest appreciation for your unwavering prayers and faithfulness. Your spiritual support has been the foundation upon which this project was built,” Rubin said. She also thanked the Salesian priests and the Don Bosco Institute of Africa for their crucial support in empowering youth through education and community engagement.

Rubin further acknowledged the dedicated efforts of the AITeC team at Don Bosco in Embu and the renowned agronomists at CultivAid. Their expertise in training and support has been vital in implementing innovative agricultural practices, enabling long-term success for the Sisters.

The event underscored the essential role of water in fostering sustainable livelihoods. AITeC’s mission extends beyond agriculture, aiming to ensure access to nutritious food and empower individuals to thrive. The center stands as a symbol of hope, demonstrating how innovative agricultural methods can maximize crop yields and economic returns.

Rubin also commended the generous donors of Water 4 Mercy, whose contributions have been pivotal in realizing this project. Their support exemplifies the power of collective action in driving positive change.

As Water 4 Mercy advances its water and agricultural initiatives across Africa, the AITeC at Mount Carmel Convent represents a beacon of what can be accomplished when faith, innovation, and community converge.