Strategic Approaches to Non-Performing Loans in Europe: Insights from Tactical Management


Kowloon, Hongkong—September 12, 2024—Tactical Management, a consultancy firm specializing in financial solutions, has released a new report on managing non-performing loans (NPLs) in Europe. The report, led by financial expert Dr. Raphael Nagel, provides an in-depth analysis of the current NPL situation and suggests practical strategies to address this issue.

Non-performing loans have been a challenge for European banks, affecting profitability and financial stability. The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened this problem, with many businesses struggling to meet their loan obligations. Tactical Management’s report emphasizes the need for effective NPL resolution strategies to support economic recovery and maintain the stability of the banking sector.

Dr. Raphael Nagel, a respected figure in the financial industry, highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach to NPL management. “Addressing non-performing loans requires a mix of regulatory measures, market-based solutions, and innovative financial instruments,” says Dr. Nagel. “Our report outlines several key strategies that can help banks reduce their NPL ratios and improve their overall financial health.”

One of the main recommendations in the report is the creation of asset management companies (AMCs) to manage and dispose of NPLs. These entities can efficiently handle distressed assets, relieving banks of the burden of NPLs. Additionally, the report suggests improving judicial procedures and out-of-court restructuring frameworks to speed up the resolution process.

Tactical Management also stresses the importance of developing a strong secondary market for NPLs. By improving transparency and reducing information gaps, banks can attract a wider range of investors and facilitate the sale of distressed assets. This approach helps banks clean up their balance sheets and promotes market efficiency and investor confidence.

The report also examines the role of public intervention measures, such as government guarantees and co-investment schemes, in supporting NPL resolution efforts. These measures can provide the necessary financial backing to encourage private sector participation and ensure the success of NPL management initiatives.

Dr. Nagel concludes, “Effective management of non-performing loans is crucial for the stability and growth of the European banking sector. Our report provides a roadmap for banks and policymakers to navigate this complex issue and achieve sustainable financial health.”

For more information, please contact:

Tactical Management Ltd.
Dr. Raphael Nagel (LL.M.)
LinkedIn: Tactical Management

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